Risk Disclosure

Risk Disclosures

Please find an overview of all risk disclosures here. We encourage all clients to read these disclosures carefully.

Market Volatility Disclosure

Markets in crypto assets are usually more volatile than markets in other assets. This means that the value of your assets may fluctuate significantly because of the high volatility in the underlying crypto asset markets, including the possibility that your positions will be liquidated as a result of such volatility.

Leverage Risk Disclosure

Derivative products such as options, options on futures, futures and perpetuals are leveraged instruments. This means that a price move in the underlying asset can lead to significant gains or significant losses of your position. It is possible that you lose all the assets that you have deposited in your account as a result. Unlimit Crypto, does not offer any options, options on futures, futures, perpetuals or leveraged instruments. You should be aware of the potential risks before purchasing Crypto with the intention to invest in any such instruments or products.

Past performance No Guarantee Disclosure

The past performance of any products, including those of Virtual Assets, is not indicative of the future performance of these products. It is not a guarantee and should not be used as guidance for future results.

Investment Risk Disclosures

Investing in the virtual assets market is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. Do your own research before investing in any crypto products.

Fraud, manipulation and hack disclosure

Virtual assets may be subject to fraud, manipulation, theft, including through hacks and other targeted schemes and clients may not benefit from legal protections.

Virtual Assets Derivative Risk Disclosure

Derivative products such as options, options on futures, futures and perpetuals are leveraged instruments. This means that a price move in the underlying asset can lead to significant gains or significant losses of your position. Virtual Assets investments are more volatile than most other investments and carry therefore a high degree of risk. Investing in Virtual Assets means that you should be aware that you can lose your entire investment. Unlimit Crypto, does not offer any options, options on futures, futures, perpetuals or leveraged instruments. You should be aware of the potential risks before purchasing Crypto with the intention to invest in any such instruments or products.

Virtual Asset Risk Disclosure

Derivative products such as options, options on futures, futures and perpetuals are leveraged instruments. This means that a price move in the underlying asset can lead to significant gains or significant losses of your position. It is possible that you lose all the assets that you have deposited in your account as a result. Virtual Assets investments are more volatile than most other investments and carry therefore a high degree of risk. Investing in Virtual Assets means that you should be aware that you can lose your entire investment.

(Non-)transferability of Virtual Assets

It may not always be possible to transfer your Virtual Assets, as they may not be listed by other VASPs.

Irreversibility of virtual asset transfers

You may lose your virtual assets if you withdraw your virtual assets to an incorrect or incomplete wallet address.

You may lose your virtual assets if you incorrectly enter the destination wallet and/or blockchain that the transfer will take place.

Liquidity risk

Virtual assets may not be liquid and you might not be able to buy/sell or open/close positions at the prices you want to hence resulting to substantial loss of initial capital.

Public disclosure of deposits and withdrawals

Deposits and withdrawals of virtual assets will be recorded on a public blockchain.

Wallet Access – loss of funds

You may lose your virtual assets if you give access or the access codes or grant permission to third parties to operate, manage and/or transact via your digital wallet.

Never share your wallet seed phrase with third parties as this could result to the loss of your digital assets.